German-Japanese Joint Newsletter Exchange Begins

Information15 Jul 2023

A new newsletter-based exchange has begun between the German industrial cluster Composites United (CU) and ICC. We plan to regularly send out newsletters containing trends in the composite materials industry in Japan and Germany, member company information, event reports, etc. All ICC membership members receive a newsletter from CU Germany 3 or 4 times a year by e-mail. A newsletter from the ICC will be emailed to approximately 350 CU participating institutions.

The first issue has arrived from CU in Germany. The content is interesting and focuses on the highlights of the 2023 event, so please take a look at the link below.

CU-Newsletter for ICC Network - Edition 1, 2023

Also, the first issue of the ICC's newsletter for Germany has been published and is available on the CU website.

New CU member service: International Newsletter

The ICC newsletter is always soliciting articles from member companies. It is a very good opportunity to appeal your company's efforts, technology, etc. to Germany. Let's further revitalize exchanges between Japanese and German member companies and strengthen cooperation.

If you have any questions, suggestions or interesting content about our newsletter, please feel free to contact us.

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